Marshals have the responsibility to turn over a flipped car or help retrieve a car from being stuck.
Marshals –
- Be aware and keep your eyes open!
- Avoid entering a lane when multiple cars are coming towards you, unless you can do so safely and without impacting another cars race.
- Pick up 1/8th cars front or rear, 1/10th cars by the sides.
- Do not reach for a car that is on throttle.
- Be aware of runaways. Runaways are when the throttle sticks open and the driver does not have control of the vehicle. In the case of Nitro, this can severely damage the engine if it is allowed to rev up with no load.
- In the event of a nitro run away, flip the car onto the wheels (chassis down if not already done) and push down on the car so that the tires cannot spin and so that the engine cannot rev. Plug the pipe with something other than your finger, something to shield you from the heat like a cuff, shoe, glove. The pipe will be very hot
Marshal Sam with ninja relfexes avoids being hit by a car during turn marshalling.