House Transponders - How To:
- If you use a house transponder, you will be assigned a color and transponder number for that race only.
- There are 10 of each color/number sequence and each race on the qual sheet will swap between the two colors.
- If you do not see the transponder you were assigned, look at the other transponders in the rack to make sure it was not put away in the wrong spot.
- If you do not see the transponder you were assigned, chances are another racer mistakenly grabbed your transponder. Speak with the RD and he will either allow you to grab an unassigned transponder or ask you to wait for the one being used.
- You will need to grab and mount your transponder during the race prior to yours, no earlier.
- Please have the transponder mounted and ready for your race prior to the end of the last race.
- Immediately following your race, put the transponder away in the correct spot in the charging rack, set your car down and head out to marshal. If you wait until after you marshal the next race to return the transponder, there is a good chance the race after the race you are marshalling needs the transponder stuck in your car.
Note: If you happen to grab the wrong transponder, the RD will have to manually assign you that transponder for that race. As multiple cars cross the loop, the screen on the computer becomes very cumbersome and confusing, especially when there are a number of incorrect transponders being used. The more cars that cross the line at once, or immediately after each other, the worse the screen becomes. The RD will ultimately have to have each racer cross the line one at a time, thus delaying the program.
Grabbing and mounting the correct transponder for your race, and making sure to put the transponder away in a timely fashion for the next racer to use is critical to a successful and worry free night of racing.
Here's one of the most commonly used transponders
Personal Transponders -
Personal Transponders, also called PT's, are a very important investment for the racer. PT's eliminate the need to retrieve and return house transponders from the RD booth for a racers race.
AMB 20 are the first generation transponders and will not work with any modern lap counting system.
AMBrc are the current, albeit outdated, house transponders currently in use, but becoming scarce.
AMBrc DP PT is the first generation of house transponders. These will work with RC3 or RC4 decoder.
RC4 is Mylaps first release following the purchase of the AMBrc platform and will work with RC3 or RC4 decoder.
RC4 or also called 3-wire is the newest release of the PT and will work with the RC4 decoder only.
This transponder is another type commonly used